Spanish Novels

Papelucho, Marcela Paz

This series consisting of 12 books stars Papelucho and became a firm favourite amongst the children of Chile.

Cuentos de la Selva, Horacio Quiroga

Published in 1918, this book has been sighted by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilisation.

El Principito, Antoine de Saint-Exupery

This was actually written by a French aristocrat but has been translated into many languages. In this story we see the Little Prince visiting different planets in our universe addressing issues such as loneliness, friendship, love & loss.

Esperanza Renace, Pam Muñoz Ryan

Set in the time of the Great Depression, Esperanza is the daughter of a wealthy Mexican ranch owner until one day her father dies. The story tells of how Esperanza and her mother escape her evil uncle and go to work as farm hands in the United States.

La Vida Imaginaria, Mara Torres

A novel about how a girl moves on after her relationship with her boyfriend ends.

Mentira, Care Santos

Xenia is a hardworking pupil who dreams of medical school but her grades begin to slip when she falls in love. However the boy she loves is not who he seems as his on-line profile is revealed as a lie (mentira).

La Ciudad de las Bestias, Isabel Allende

Alex is sent to live with his grandmother after discovering his mother is fighting cancer. Soon after his arrival in New York, Alex's grandmother takes him the the Amazon rain forest where his jungle adventure begins.

Short Stories in Spanish: New Penguin Parallel Text

10 short stories written in a very accessible way; the authentic Spanish with the direct English translation sat side by side on a double page.